educational service / workshop
In this BMA lab, Lawrence English will guide participants through the listening and field recording techniques he uses in his work. The session will begin with a talk, followed by a listening and recording walk around the gnration.
Considered one of the leading voices in the field of field recording, Lawrence English’s recordings show an entirely personal approach, based equally on techniques, theoretical investigations and aesthetic interests.
lawrence english
Australian sound artist and composer Lawrence English is recognized for his work in the fields of experimental and ambient music. With a unique sensibility for constructing soundscapes, incorporating natural sounds and field recordings, English’s work challenges notions of perception and memory.
duration 2h30min.
target audience people interested in listening and field recording, from beginners to experts
note participants will be able to use any recording device they have available (telephone, handheld recorder or professional equipment).
masterclass in english
Circuito is the Educational Service of Braga Media Arts and aims to make multiple connections between creation, Media Arts and the community. Here, new technologies are the driving force behind the production, knowledge and enjoyment of art. And the activities are designed for schools, families, children, teachers, seniors, communities, professionals, amateurs, artists and anyone else who wants to join in.
This Circuit is open to everyone. Find out more about it here.
mini circuit – activities and shows for children, accompanied by family members
school circuit – activities for the school community
advanced circuit – activities and training for young, adult and beginner audiences
circuit for everyone – activities and shows for all audiences
off the beaten track – special projects
support portuguese republic – culture / directorate-general for the arts. rtcp – network of portuguese theatres and cinemas