
guelra: hostia! braga!, por sara santervás

20 May



3 eur

sala de formações


Guelra – Choreographic Transcreation Laboratory is a transdisciplinary laboratory developed by Arte Total since 2012. This laboratory works in the context of an artistic residence that culminates in a final public presentation with the presentation of the material produced.

Sara Santervás is a scenic artist and contemporary dancer with a background in Biomolecular Science. Originally from Andalusia but based in Porto, Sara has a close relationship with Andalusian folklore and Spanish dances. In her work she explores the liberation of the intimate, creating environments from physicality. Over the years she has worked with names such as Davis Freeman, Guillermo Weickert, Hélder Seabra, Tommy Luther, Horácio Macuacua, Elisabeth Lambeck and Mafalda Deville.
Her body of work includes the pieces Krakatoa, Ruinas, O Que Sobe pode Nunca Descar, 703 Sonhos, Entre la Pluma y la Pared (a collaboration with Mercedes Quijada), and A Matriz (a collaboration with Lea Schiebrecht).

hostia! braga!

In Hostia! Braga!, Sara Santervás indulges in an impudent romance with Bracara Augusta. This piece is a loving satire dedicated to folklore, where dance and voice invite us to the intimate and the sensorial. Through the myopic lens of a body in love, we contemplate the other. Is looking at the subject of love, more than ever, seeing Braga through a straw?

Created using Figma