
faz cultura – empresa municipal de cultura de braga, em
Faz Cultura is the Braga Municipality Culture Company responsible for managing and programming the Theatro Circo and gnration infrastructures, as well as the Braga Media Arts, UNESCO Creative City for the Media Arts, and Braga 25 projects.
Its mission is to provide a public service in the field of culture promotion and support for artistic creation in the municipality of Braga, promoting access for people who live, work and visit the area to a quality, diverse and inclusive cultural offer, through sustainable and transparent management of cultural spaces and projects.
Through its activity and in complementarity with the Municipality, Faz Cultura promotes the implementation of a long-term cultural policy for the city, anchored in the Braga Cultural Strategy 2020-2030.
Faz Cultura’s vision is to be a driving force behind cultural and artistic activity in Braga and the region, as well as to solidify its status as a municipal company of national and international reference in the field of culture. To this end, it is governed by the values of innovation, cooperation, responsibility, transparency and sustainability.

board of directors Ricardo Rio (Chairman), Joana Meneses Fernandes (Executive Director), Maria de Lurdes Rufino (Non-Executive Director)
general assembly Sameiro Araújo (Chairman), Olga Pereira (Vice-Chairman), Nuno Gouveia
sole auditor G. Castro, R. Silva, A. Dias e F. Amorim, SROC, Lda
executive director Joana Meneses Fernandes

artistic director Luís Fernandes
music Ilídio Marques
performing arts Maria Inês Marques
mediation and participation Sara Borges

management Raquel Nair (director), Diana Magalhães (administrative and budget coordination)
public procurement / financing / internal control André Dantas, Ana Rita Prata, Tiago Oliveira (internship)
accounting Alice Loureiro, Francisco Diego, Edgar Silva, Marisa Sousa
project management Hugo Loureiro
administrative/support Ana Faria
internal and external relations Daniela Queirós (manager)
human resources Sara Lima, Rita Machado
commercial and external relations Alexandra Araújo

box office and front of house Rita Santos (coordination), Cristiana Cerqueira (technical support), Catarina Barros, Fábio Barbosa, Maria Esteves, Maria João Silva, Patrícia Queirós, Paula Neves, Sofia Menezes

communication Carolina Lapa (director)
institutional communication and communication production Luciana Silva (coordination), Sara Barbosa
content, consultancy and accessibility Nuno Abreu (coordination), Diogo Rodrigues, Sara Rosa Oliveira
digital Mariana Volz (supervision), Joana Rebelo, Inês Venâncio, Carolina Baptista

coordenação geral Luís Passos
produção Marta Lima, Tiago Lopes, Francisco Novais
departamento técnico e logístico Ricardo Miranda (coordenação), Márcio Ferreira, Tiago Rosendo
limpeza Maria Silva, Maria Ribeiro

braga media arts
circuito – braga media arts educational service
general director Joana Meneses Fernandes
general and executive coordination Joana Miranda
artistic direction and programme coordination Luís Fernandes
circuit coordination – educational service Sara Borges
production and international co-operation projects Maria Tavares

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