
contrapeso: bruno bravo

3 Apr



3 eur


Contrapeso is Arte Total’s cycle that promotes collaborative projects, linking choreography with videomapping and sound installation. Bringing together international or internationally renowned artists, researchers and creators, this cycle drives contemporary artistic creation, focusing on the relationship between performance art and environmental sustainability.

Director, actor and teacher Bruno Bravo is the guest at this session of Contrapeso. Artistic director and co-founder of the Primeiros Sintomas company and the Lisbon Arts Center, he has staged shows based on works by classic authors such as Shakespeare, Chekhov, Strindberg, Samuel Beckett and Oscar Wilde. He collaborated with playwright Miguel Castro Caldas, staging several of his texts. As a theater actor he has worked with Jorge Silva Melo, Sandra Faleiro, Francisco Salgado, João Fiadeiro and Carlos Gomes, and in film with Manuel Mozos, Sandro Aguilar, Margarida Gil, José Nascimento and Miguel Gomes.


George Berkeley’s theory of immaterialism tells us that people and objects only exist if they are observed. This hypothesis is said to have influenced Samuel Beckett’s only screenplay, Film. Without sound or words, this short film premiered in Venice in 1965. The camera follows the figure of Buster Keaton, almost always on his back, as he tries to hide and escape everything and everyone who might be watching him until he reaches a ruined house, where he tries to destroy his reflection in the mirror. Film’s dramatic and poetic atmosphere serves as inspiration for this performance. Focusing on the body and its movement, Bruno Bravo explores themes such as self-awareness, reflection, illusion, identity, sound, silence, light and shadow.

promoted by arte total

bruno bravo

dance company
arte total

miguel pedro guimarães
jorge coelho
rafael machado
rui leal

artistic direction
cristina mendanha

support portuguese republic – culture / directorate-general for the arts. rtcp – network of portuguese theatres and cinemas

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