educational service / guided visit / workshop
gnration anniversary tour: estação de experimentação + guided tours of gnration exhibitions
Circuito – Braga Media Arts’ Educational Service joins gnration’s anniversary once again with a series of guided tours and an activity aimed at the very young.
estação de experimentação: posto de transmissão [transmission station]
When we talk about radio and podcasts, we’re talking about transmission and reception. We talk about voice transmission, we talk about the transmission of instruments and sounds. We’re talking about noise between stations. We’re talking about a universe that encompasses interviews, music, news and everything we listen to in order to find out more about the world.
The Broadcasting Station invites youngsters to enter the world of radio, podcasts or simply to tell the time for a few hours. Interacting with the gnration Open Day universe, participants will interview, observe and record. This activity, mediated by Nuno Loureiro and Artur Carvalho, will take place permanently in the inner courtyard.
guided tours of the gnration exhibitions
What do you know about the relationship between science, art and technology? Circuito – Braga Media Arts Educational Service invites you to visit exhibitions and demystify what Media Arts is all about. Throughout the year, gnration’s zero and one galleries host various installations and exhibitions by nationally and internationally renowned artists, who present original artwork in different formats, from sound to visual and interactive.
Under the guidance of artist and mediator Joana Patrão, we will focus on the EMAP Perspective #1 exhibition, which presents five works created by European artists in residency at various renowned European institutions, to expand our vision of art and the many worlds it contains.
note the guided tours will be interpreted in Portuguese sign language and do not require registration
16:00 mafalda bs · pátio exterior
17:00 mutu · palco praça
18:00 goela hiante · blackbox
22:00 áfrica negra · palco praça
23:00 hhy & the kampala unit · blackbox
00:00 james holden · palco praça
01:00 la flama · sala multiusos
01:00 dark sessions — catarina silva + muluk · blackbox
10:00 – 01:00 emap perspective #1 — anna ridler, joana moll, stefan laxness, studio above&below e uh513 · galeria zero + sala zero + galeria um
educational service
10:00 – 12:00 / 14:00 – 17:00 estação de experimentação: posto de transmissão [transmission station] · pátio interior
10:00 + 11:00 + 12:00 guided tours of the gnration exhibitions · galeria zero + sala zero + galeria um
braga municipality
braga media arts
circuit – braga media arts education service
emap – european media art platform
support portuguese republic – culture / directorate-general for the arts. rtcp – network of portuguese theatres and cinemas / antena 3